Class IMAdapter

All Implemented Interfaces:
java.util.EventListener, IMListener, java.io.Serializable

public abstract class IMAdapter
extends java.lang.Object
implements IMListener, java.io.Serializable

An abstract adapter class receiving instant messaging events.

The class that is interested in processing an instant messaging event either extends this class (overriding only the methods of interest) or implements the IMListener interface (and all the methods it contains).

The listener object created from that class is then registered with the instant messaging framework using the ProtocolManager.setIMListener(IMListener) method.

See Also:
IMListener, Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
protected IMAdapter()
          Default constructor.
Method Summary
 void buddyAdded(Buddy buddy)
          Invoked when a buddy was successfully added to your buddy list.
 void buddyAddFailed(Buddy buddy, java.lang.String reasonMessage)
          Invoked when an attempt to add a buddy failed.
 void buddyAddRejected(Buddy buddy, java.lang.String reasonMessage)
          Invoked when an attempt to add a buddy failed because the buddy rejected your request.
 Response buddyAddRequest(Buddy buddy, Buddy myself, java.lang.String message)
          Invoked when a buddy wants to add you to his / her buddy list.
 void buddyDeleted(Buddy buddy)
          Invoked when a buddy was successfully deleted from your buddy list.
 void buddyDeleteFailed(Buddy buddy, java.lang.String reasonMessage)
          Invoked when an attempt to delete a buddy failed.
 void buddyIgnored(Buddy buddy)
          Invoked when a buddy was successfully ignored.
 void buddyIgnoreFailed(Buddy buddy, java.lang.String reasonMessage)
          Invoked when an attempt to ignore a buddy failed.
 void buddyListReceived(Protocol protocol, Buddy[] buddies)
          Invoked when your buddy list is received after a successful login.
 void buddyStatusChanged(Buddy buddy)
          Invoked when the status information of a buddy is changed.
 void buddyUnignored(Buddy buddy)
          Invoked when a buddy was successfully unignored.
 void buddyUnignoreFailed(Buddy buddy, java.lang.String reasonMessage)
          Invoked when an attempt to unignore a buddy failed.
 void conferenceClosed(Conference conf)
          Invoked when a conference session is closed, either by the protocol or by a buddy who is authorized to do so.
 void conferenceInvitationAccepted(Conference conf, Buddy buddy)
          Invoked when a buddy accepts a conference invitation.
 void conferenceInvitationDeclined(Conference conf, Buddy buddy, java.lang.String message)
          Invoked when a buddy declines a conference invitation.
 Response conferenceInvitationReceived(Conference conf, java.lang.String message)
          Invoked when a buddy invites you for a conference.
 void conferenceMessageReceived(Conference conf, Buddy buddy, Message message)
          Invoked when an instant message arrives at a conference.
 void conferenceParticipantJoined(Conference conf, Buddy buddy)
          Invoked when a buddy joins a conference.
 void conferenceParticipantLeft(Conference conf, Buddy buddy)
          Invoked when a buddy leaves from a conference.
 void connected(Protocol protocol)
          Invoked when a protocol completes the start up successfully.
 void connectFailed(Protocol protocol, java.lang.String reasonMessage)
          Invoked when a protocol failed during the start up.
 void connecting(Protocol protocol)
          Invoked when a protocol attempts start up.
 void disconnected(Protocol protocol)
          Invoked when a protocol is disconnected.
 void ignoreListReceived(Protocol protocol, Buddy[] buddies)
          Invoked when a list of buddies whom you have ignored is received, after a successful login.
 void instantMessageReceived(Buddy buddy, Message message)
          Invoked when an instant message is received.
 void mailNotificationReceived(Protocol protocol, int count, java.lang.String[] from, java.lang.String[] subject)
          Invoked when an e-mail notification arrives.
 void offlineMessageReceived(Buddy buddy, java.util.Date time, Message message)
          Invoked when an offline message is received.
 void protocolMessageReceived(Protocol protocol, Message message)
          Invoked when the underlying protocol system sends a notification to the user.
 void typingStarted(Buddy buddy)
          Invoked when a buddy starts typing.
 void typingStopped(Buddy buddy)
          Invoked when a buddy stops typing.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


protected IMAdapter()
Default constructor.

Method Detail


public void connecting(Protocol protocol)
Invoked when a protocol attempts start up.

Specified by:
connecting in interface IMListener
protocol - the protocol which is starting up.


public void connected(Protocol protocol)
Invoked when a protocol completes the start up successfully.

Specified by:
connected in interface IMListener
protocol - the protocol which was started up.


public void connectFailed(Protocol protocol,
                          java.lang.String reasonMessage)
Invoked when a protocol failed during the start up.

Specified by:
connectFailed in interface IMListener
protocol - the protocol which failed.
reasonMessage - the reason for the failure as a string.


public void disconnected(Protocol protocol)
Invoked when a protocol is disconnected.

Specified by:
disconnected in interface IMListener
protocol - the protocol which is disconnected.


public Response buddyAddRequest(Buddy buddy,
                                Buddy myself,
                                java.lang.String message)
Invoked when a buddy wants to add you to his / her buddy list. The listener can decide whether to allow or disallow this request. The listener method overriding this method must return a Response object which describes whether the request was allowed or disallowed, and if it was disallowed, an explanation for that.

Not all protocols notify the user when somebody adds him / her to their buddy list. In that case this method will not be invoked. To check whether a protocol supports this, use Protocol.isBuddyAddRequestSupported() method.

Specified by:
buddyAddRequest in interface IMListener
buddy - the buddy who is trying to add you.
myself - the buddy object corresponding to this user.
message - the message sent along with this request.
the response for this request.


public void buddyAdded(Buddy buddy)
Invoked when a buddy was successfully added to your buddy list.

Specified by:
buddyAdded in interface IMListener
buddy - the buddy who was added to your buddy list.


public void buddyAddRejected(Buddy buddy,
                             java.lang.String reasonMessage)
Invoked when an attempt to add a buddy failed because the buddy rejected your request.

Specified by:
buddyAddRejected in interface IMListener
buddy - the buddy whom you tried to add to your buddy list.
reasonMessage - the explanation provided by the buddy. If the buddy did not provide any explanation, this will be null.


public void buddyAddFailed(Buddy buddy,
                           java.lang.String reasonMessage)
Invoked when an attempt to add a buddy failed.

Specified by:
buddyAddFailed in interface IMListener
buddy - the buddy whom you tried to add to your buddy list.
reasonMessage - the reason for the failure as a string.


public void buddyDeleted(Buddy buddy)
Invoked when a buddy was successfully deleted from your buddy list.

Specified by:
buddyDeleted in interface IMListener
buddy - the buddy who was deleted from your buddy list.


public void buddyDeleteFailed(Buddy buddy,
                              java.lang.String reasonMessage)
Invoked when an attempt to delete a buddy failed.

Specified by:
buddyDeleteFailed in interface IMListener
buddy - the buddy whom you tried to delete from your buddy list.
reasonMessage - the reason for the failure as a string.


public void buddyIgnored(Buddy buddy)
Invoked when a buddy was successfully ignored. Ignored buddies cannot send messages to you.

Not all protocols support ignoring buddies. If a specific protocol does not support ignoring, this method will not be invoked. To identify whether this method is supported, use Protocol.isIgnoreSupported() method.

Specified by:
buddyIgnored in interface IMListener
buddy - the buddy who was ignored.


public void buddyIgnoreFailed(Buddy buddy,
                              java.lang.String reasonMessage)
Invoked when an attempt to ignore a buddy failed. Ignored buddies cannot send messages to you.

Not all protocols support ignoring buddies. If a specific protocol does not support ignoring, this method will not be invoked. To identify whether this method is supported, use Protocol.isIgnoreSupported() method.

Specified by:
buddyIgnoreFailed in interface IMListener
buddy - the buddy whom you tried to ignore.
reasonMessage - the reason for the failure as a string.


public void buddyUnignored(Buddy buddy)
Invoked when a buddy was successfully unignored. Unignoring a previously ignored buddy permits him / her to send messages to you.

Not all protocols support ignoring buddies. If a specific protocol does not support ignoring, this method will not be invoked. To identify whether this method is supported, use Protocol.isIgnoreSupported() method.

Specified by:
buddyUnignored in interface IMListener
buddy - the buddy who was unignored.


public void buddyUnignoreFailed(Buddy buddy,
                                java.lang.String reasonMessage)
Invoked when an attempt to unignore a buddy failed. Unignoring a previously ignored buddy permits him / her to send messages to you.

Not all protocols support ignoring buddies. If a specific protocol does not support ignoring, this method will not be invoked. To identify whether this method is supported, use Protocol.isIgnoreSupported() method.

Specified by:
buddyUnignoreFailed in interface IMListener
buddy - the buddy whom you tried to add to your buddy list.
reasonMessage - the reason for the failure as a string.


public void buddyStatusChanged(Buddy buddy)
Invoked when the status information of a buddy is changed. The new status can be accessed using the getStatus() method on the buddy object.

Specified by:
buddyStatusChanged in interface IMListener
buddy - the buddy whose status information was changed.


public void instantMessageReceived(Buddy buddy,
                                   Message message)
Invoked when an instant message is received.

Specified by:
instantMessageReceived in interface IMListener
buddy - the buddy who sent this message.
message - the message that was received.


public void buddyListReceived(Protocol protocol,
                              Buddy[] buddies)
Invoked when your buddy list is received after a successful login. If this method is not invoked, the listener can assume that the buddy list is empty.

Specified by:
buddyListReceived in interface IMListener
protocol - the underlying protocol from which this notification was originated.
buddies - the list of buddies.


public void ignoreListReceived(Protocol protocol,
                               Buddy[] buddies)
Invoked when a list of buddies whom you have ignored is received, after a successful login. If this method is not invoked, the listener can assume that the ignore list is empty.

Not all protocols support ignoring buddies. If a specific protocol does not support ignoring, this method will not be invoked. To identify whether this method is supported, use Protocol.isIgnoreSupported() method.

Specified by:
ignoreListReceived in interface IMListener
protocol - the underlying protocol from which this notification was originated.
buddies - the list of buddies who are in your ignore list.


public void offlineMessageReceived(Buddy buddy,
                                   java.util.Date time,
                                   Message message)
Invoked when an offline message is received. Not all protocols support offline messages. If a specific protocol does not support offline messages, this method will not be invoked. To check whether a protocol supports offline messages or not, use the Protocol.isOfflineMessageSupported() method.

Specified by:
offlineMessageReceived in interface IMListener
buddy - the buddy who sent this message.
time - the time when this message was sent by the buddy.
message - the message that was received.


public void protocolMessageReceived(Protocol protocol,
                                    Message message)
Invoked when the underlying protocol system sends a notification to the user.

Specified by:
protocolMessageReceived in interface IMListener
protocol - the underlying protocol from which this notification was originated.
message - the message that was received.


public void typingStarted(Buddy buddy)
Invoked when a buddy starts typing. Not all protocols support typing notifications. If a specific protocol does not support typing notifications, this method will not be invoked. To check whether a protocol supports typing notifications or not, use Protocol.isTypingNotifySupported() method.

Specified by:
typingStarted in interface IMListener
buddy - the buddy who started typing.


public void typingStopped(Buddy buddy)
Invoked when a buddy stops typing. Not all protocols support typing notifications. If a specific protocol does not support typing notifications, this method will not be invoked. To check whether a protocol supports typing notifications or not, use Protocol.isTypingNotifySupported() method.

Specified by:
typingStopped in interface IMListener
buddy - the buddy who stopped typing.


public Response conferenceInvitationReceived(Conference conf,
                                             java.lang.String message)
Invoked when a buddy invites you for a conference. The listener method overriding this method must return a Response object which describes whether the request was allowed or disallowed, and if it was disallowed, an explanation for that.

Not all protocols support conferences. If a specific protocol does not support conferences, this method will not be invoked. To check whether a protocol supports conferences or not, use Protocol.isConferenceSupported() method.

Specified by:
conferenceInvitationReceived in interface IMListener
conf - an object representing this conference.
message - an invitation message from the host.


public void conferenceInvitationDeclined(Conference conf,
                                         Buddy buddy,
                                         java.lang.String message)
Invoked when a buddy declines a conference invitation. Not all protocols support conferences. If a specific protocol does not support conferences, this method will not be invoked. To check whether a protocol supports conferences or not, use Protocol.isConferenceSupported() method.

Specified by:
conferenceInvitationDeclined in interface IMListener
conf - an object representing this conference.
buddy - the buddy who declined.
message - a message from the buddy explaining why (s)he did not join.


public void conferenceInvitationAccepted(Conference conf,
                                         Buddy buddy)
Invoked when a buddy accepts a conference invitation. This indicates that this buddy has joined the conference.

Not all protocols support conferences. If a specific protocol does not support conferences, this method will not be invoked. To check whether a protocol supports conferences or not, use Protocol.isConferenceSupported() method.

Specified by:
conferenceInvitationAccepted in interface IMListener
conf - an object representing this conference.
buddy - the buddy who accepeted the invitation.


public void conferenceMessageReceived(Conference conf,
                                      Buddy buddy,
                                      Message message)
Invoked when an instant message arrives at a conference. Not all protocols support conferences. If a specific protocol does not support conferences, this method will not be invoked. To check whether a protocol supports conferences or not, use Protocol.isConferenceSupported() method.

Specified by:
conferenceMessageReceived in interface IMListener
conf - an object representing this conference.
buddy - the buddy who sent this message.
message - the instant message that was received.


public void conferenceParticipantJoined(Conference conf,
                                        Buddy buddy)
Invoked when a buddy joins a conference. Not all protocols support conferences. If a specific protocol does not support conferences, this method will not be invoked. To check whether a protocol supports conferences or not, use Protocol.isConferenceSupported() method.

Specified by:
conferenceParticipantJoined in interface IMListener
conf - an object representing this conference.
buddy - the buddy who joined the conference.


public void conferenceParticipantLeft(Conference conf,
                                      Buddy buddy)
Invoked when a buddy leaves from a conference. Not all protocols support conferences. If a specific protocol does not support conferences, this method will not be invoked. To check whether a protocol supports conferences or not, use Protocol.isConferenceSupported() method.

Specified by:
conferenceParticipantLeft in interface IMListener
conf - an object representing this conference.
buddy - the buddy who left the conference.


public void mailNotificationReceived(Protocol protocol,
                                     int count,
                                     java.lang.String[] from,
                                     java.lang.String[] subject)
Invoked when an e-mail notification arrives. Many protcols have associated e-mail accounts. When an e-mail arrives in that account, a notification is sent. If a specific protocol does not support e-mail notifications, this method will not be invoked. To check wheter a protocol supports e-mail notifications, use Protocol.isMailNotifySupported() method.

The parameter count specifies the number of mails. If this is -1, it means that the number of mails is not known. The parameter from is a list of e-mail addresseswho are the senders of each e-mail message, in order. The parameter subject is the subject line of each e-mail message, in order. Both these parameters can be null, indicating that the from addresses or subject lines are not known.

Specified by:
mailNotificationReceived in interface IMListener
protocol - the underlying protocol from which this notification was originated.
count - the number of e-mails received. If this is -1, the number of e-mails is not known.
from - the senders' e-mail addresses. If this is null, the sender addresses are unknown.
subject - the subject lines of the e-mails. If this is null, the subject lines are unknown.


public void conferenceClosed(Conference conf)
Invoked when a conference session is closed, either by the protocol or by a buddy who is authorized to do so. Who all can close a conference session is protocol dependant.

Specified by:
conferenceClosed in interface IMListener
conf - the conference that is closed.